PROVIDING THE BEST GUIDE IS OUR DUTY provides information about photography and also videography, especially about editing methods that are currently trending, and also provides photo and video editing services with the best skills and results according to buyer needs.

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    Do you often get behind-the-scenes videos while filming? One is usually locked on a tripod which covers a wide shot. Others are held by hand. But getting smooth handheld footage can be a pain. A dreadlock or Steadicam would be fantastic but often overkill. And it's much harder for you to carry into the wilderness. Fortunately, there are other options. Like using a third-party app, such as using KineMaster, Filmora, Vn, and Google Photos or other types of online free and offline applications. Besides that, you can actually take advantage of the AI video stabilize technology that is on your Android or iPhone smartphone. However, if you want to keep making videos with your pocket camera or DSLR, you can follow this tutorial :

  • You can do this kind of technique before from a monopod. Pull it back or let it lean forward to simulate the puppet's movement and it works great. This can be even more effective if you shoot at a fast framerate. 120fps makes it very smooth when playing back at 24.

  • Gesture hides camera shake. So moving forward, backward, sideways, will help level the bumps if you're careful.

  • Shooting a wide lens will also reduce camera shake. For the same reason, shooting with a wide lens allows you to get a slower shutter speed for still images. The wider field of view only makes the movement less noticeable.


Of course, if you prefer to edit video stabilize using this application, it will make it easier for you. As we mentioned earlier there are several applications that you can of course use online free or offline such as :

  • KineMaster is an application that runs on Android and iOS operating systems on mobile devices available for free and created by Nex Streaming. The main obstacle that we often encounter when recording video via a smartphone is that the video results are unstable or wobbly. This happens because some smartphone vendors do not release devices with stabilizers or Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) features. As a result, the recorded video will usually be shaky and unstable. It's different when you shoot video using a professional camera. Because usually on professional cameras, there is a stabilizer feature to keep the video from shaking. But don't worry, now we can solve this problem. By using the KineMaster app, you just need to enter the video to be edited then select the stabilization menu and the video will be automatically stabilized.

  • Filmora is one of the most popular video editing software that you need to master if you want to try a career as a video editor. According to CompareCamp, one of the reasons that make this software so popular is of course because of its various advanced features for editing video and audio. Although it is software that has a fairly large size and can only be used on a PC, this software is known to have complete features, one of which is the video stabilize feature that you can use in the tools menu and just decide on what duration you want to stabilize.

  • VN is a free video editor application that is currently widely used. Especially for making short videos for TikTok or Instagram Reels content needs. VN has many features such as cutting videos, transitioning between videos, inserting songs, creating blur effects on videos, inserting stickers, video stabilize, and others. You can use this application on both Android and iOS mobile phones.


·         For those of you who use Android phones, you may be familiar with some of the default Google applications, one of which is Google Photos. Usually, this default application cannot be uninstalled and you must save it. But make no mistake, because this photo app offers a lot of advantages if you know how to use Google Photos properly. The reason is, for some users, the presence of has received less attention. Moreover, generally, Android phone manufacturers have provided a similar application called Gallery which is used to open and manage a collection of photos and videos taken using the camera. In addition, it turns out that the Application can also be used to do photo and video editing, such as cutting videos, inserting music, video stabilize, changing photo hues, and others.






In the era of digital business, every company or agency, especially creative companies, definitely needs a good promotion to introduce products or services to be better known by many people.

The key to the success of branding companies in the application of the right digital marketing strategy, for example by making video marketing or video branding. Besides being able to save on promotional costs, videos shared through various social media platforms can reach more customers, both local and international.

Promotional videos should contain advantages and information about the products of your company. Even though it looks simple, you can't just do the shooting process and use advanced equipment in making videos. You also need to pay attention to the important elements that must be in it, so that the resulting video is memorable and won the hearts of customers.

8 Important Elements of Making a Great Video for Promotion

Below are 8 important elements in making a great video for promotion.

1. Clear Images and Text 

    In making videos for promotional purposes or for branding companies, you must record moving images and add text to support the advantages of the products offered. It should also be noted that the text is only used as a supporting element in the video, not a must, especially to include too much text which ultimately interferes with the aesthetics of the video.

2. Proportional Component

    A good video is not only clear but well proportioned. Visual images, sound, music, and text must be added with the right composition, so as to make the audience more interested in continuing to watch. The use of text colors must also be appropriate and unobtrusive. In essence, all aspects of the video are really well organized so as not to disturb the comfort of the audience while watching your video. Don't get busy arranging video aesthetics, then forget the intrinsic elements, and the message conveyed by your product is forgotten.

3. The right content for video

    In promotional videos, don't show rambling content just for the sake of prolonging the duration. Keep in mind, most people will decide within the first 5-8 minutes whether to continue watching your video or not. As the owner of the idea for video marketing, you must first conceptualize the content of the video before entering the video creation process. Make content according to the needs of the product being promoted, including what you want to achieve from this video. Make sure the video content has short, clear, and precise content.


4. Add Message

    Doing business is not only about how to sell as many products as possible, but it is also necessary to add useful messages in digital video production. Insert messages, whether in the form of words of wisdom, humor, or tutorials, so that many audiences are finally interested in buying products after they watch your video.


5. Making Interesting Opening Videos

    Branding videos are made to introduce the brand as well as its products or services to be known by the general public, so make a video by paying attention to all the important elements that should be in the video, especially the opening part in the first 10 seconds must be interesting. The opening can be a snippet of a scene or a conversation. It can also be in the form of narration in the form of a question that invites the audience to watch a video to find out the answer to the question.


6. Inserting Audio in Video

    Video marketing requires another important element beyond the visual display of moving images, namely audio. The addition of clear and pleasant audio to enjoy will increase the audience's enjoyment of watching videos. So choose the audio that matches the visual impression as well as the product and the content of the video. One more thing, if the video is broadcast on social media, make sure the song or music that is displayed does not violate copyright.


7. Storytelling

    Video content must be delivered in a storytelling style to produce a good promotional video and contain inspirational messages that can bring the audience into the story. It's even better if the story can leave a deep impression so that it is well remembered by the audience. They will automatically remember your product and brand. Creating a video accompanied by storytelling will make the audience not like watching a marketing video or just a video containing sales, but as if watching an entertaining movie. Again, make sure your video has value.



8. Adding Motion Graphics

    Promotional videos also need to be equipped with motion graphics to make them look more interesting and unique. Graphic elements can be combined into one with a variety of video creation applications that are already widely available, it can even be in 2D or 3D. By adding motion graphics, videos don't seem monotonous and look very dynamic. A good promotional video can add several graphic elements into a single unit that is used to grab the attention of a large audience.

And with that the 8 elements of video advertising that you can try to apply for your next advertising video. see you in the next guide


Photo Editing Color grading is an editing technique used to further highlight colors in photo and video objects. The use of color grading is more often done in the process of making videos than in photo editing. But the basic principle remains the same, whether applied to photos or videos. Well, on this occasion I want to share how to do color grading on photos using Adobe Photoshop.

1. Open up the photo for the editing color grading, high definition is recommended.

2. Open the layer palette and click the Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer. then choose curve.

3. Make sure Layer Curves 1 is highlighted, then in the Properties Palette set Curves as needed, then set the Blending Mode to Luminosity in the Layer Palette.

4. Continue to add a new Adjustment layer by clicking the Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer button. Then select Curves.

5. On Layer Curves 2, pay attention to the Properties Palette, click the RGB dropdown, then adjust as needed for each color (red, green, blue). I will give an example by giving a slight bluish effect (because it is often used in widescreen films).
5_curves2red 5_curves2green 5_curves2blue

6. If the color obtained is as desired, the next process is to highlight the dark and light parts. Click Create New Fill or Adjustment Layer again, then select Channel Mixer.

7. In the Preset dropdown, choose the setting with the most contrast between black and white, and then set the Channel Mixer layer's opacity to 24% (adjust to the photo you're editing).7_channelmixval

8. And, the color grading is done. beforeafter

For photo editing color grading is really useful for the condition of lack of real color processing in the camera, in the creative world photographer tend to lean on a more neutral color preset for their photo the reason is the neutral color is more flexible to work with especially for photo editing color grading were very easy to use rather than moreover a contrasted photo that has little room to work with.

Different type of camera Shots by Editin

Within the world of videography, there are many terms were used in making videos in sets, Today we are going to explain different types of camera Shots with A-Roll and B-Roll.

What is A-Roll?

Shots or people may call it video shots were distinguished from the different types of camera shots themselves, one of them are A-Roll 

Shots of video can be split into 2 parts, A-Roll is usually referred to as the Main Video Footage of certain shots in the video making. An example of this is let's say there is a person that talks in a bedroom set with directed video shots. This person's footage was the main video footage that we can refer to as A-Roll the main different types of camera shots for A-roll are the existed personal that can be focused on in the footage. A-Roll is usually used for many occasions for the footage reference that still using it, but right now many video formats were mostly constructed from B-Roll footage since it is more efficient doing B-Roll with narrative rather than doing A-Roll and followed by narrative.

What is a B-Roll?

A B Roll or B-Roll or Broll is an additional video that is considered a secondary recording of the main recording of a videographer or cameraman. B Roll can be collected with a separate unit, meaning that the cut does not have to be on the same day or can also be obtained from Microstock such as ShutterStock, please see the list of Microstrokes to get B Roll. Or it can also be obtained from stock video footage from live videographers, for example, you are as a cameraman or videographer who has a collection of stock footage on your hard drive, which you have collected, for example, for years. So it different types of camera shots can be called B Roll, which means it's not the main footage.

And with that, we concluded our explanation of Different Types of camera shots for now. Thank you for visiting our website and see you again in the next post

Credit for Reference: RahmanCyber.Net 


Who does not know content creators in 2021? with the easy access of the internet to all generations adopted in society, many people may look at content creators as a new job opportunity since entertainment becomes daily consumption to the public that can be accessed by their smartphone at any time. Business opportunities always come when certain people can see through a subject with a creative and uncommon angle. 

These are some of the great business opportunities for content creators in 2021 

Food Photography

            For the past 2 years, we face a major problem with covid-19 we force ourselves to go online with most of our activities including dining. since most of the restaurants were closed due to health protocol some of them are only open for takeaways orders, those problems raise opportunities for advertising food with the help of photography. With a large amount of dining, activities move to takeaways company like uber take advantage of the delivery system for the food that can be ordered by customers to their front door. vendors also move to the online shop to take advantage of this situation to sell their products to their respectable customers through online shopping. those online shops need compelling photos for their food product and business opportunities raised for those who are majoring or specialized in photography. 

Tourism Photography

            Same as most business that relies on social interaction tourism is one of the most impacted areas that are being held back by the pandemic. a lot of tourism is starting to move their focus to the online tour for those who seek the experience of visiting a place while still in their home. tourism also can provide good stock photos for other photographers or editors who are seeking good scenery for their background. that businesses that are stopped can be revived with a new take for the business using opportunities of the online market. 

Wedding Photography

            A wedding that is held in the pandemic is has a lot of demand for photographers especially with limited people that can attend the ceremony a good documentary is being asked from the event. the trend of making documentaries of the wedding is mostly available to for business opportunities in the wedding event, with most of the young people that married they have modern take to the documentation for their wedding so most of videographer and photographer would have a good opportunity to get in this area. 

Product Photography

            Online markets need compelling documentation of a product to make buyers consider buying it. knowledge on modern online marketing is making content creation to be a must when marketing a product one of them is video and photography. A good impression when finding a product can make a considerable chance for the product will be bought by the buyer itself.   

Journalism Photography

            Journalism is one of the oldest sections of photography and videography business opportunities since news is a daily consumption for most customers worldwide with this and easy access of news that can be looked through smartphone social media become one of the media that used for spreading news and with that taking picture or video of important information can be processed for the journalism itself and have a good business with he corresponding news station or print media for their official news. 

The Best Photo editing application for android and PC by

Best photo editing app for android and pc by

    As mentioned in our Instagram for the recommended application for editing photos we listed some examples for the application itself such as:
- Afterlight
- Picsart
- Lightroom
- Snapseed

For the next editing software, we are going to explain more about the best desktop application for editing photo

1. Adobe Photoshop


  Adobe is a company that is well known in the creative industry to provide consistent and reliable editing applications for professional uses. Photoshop started the digital image manipulation revolution more than 30 years ago, and Adobe's groundbreaking application continues to be the best photo editing software money can buy (or rent, to be more precise).

    If you need layered image editing, typography, 3D modeling, drawing, and a multitude of effects, you need Photoshop. Designers and photographers alike find the most and the most advanced tools available for their crafts in this application. Mind-blowing AI-powered neural filters, sky replacement, live shapes, more control over cloud-stored files, and pattern preview all appeared in the major update released at the company's conference. New capabilities include a Super Resolution raw enlargement tool, support for Apple Silicon-based Macs, and 70 new Camera Raw presets. Photoshop remains PCMag's undisputed top choice for professional photo editing software. for Editin21 Photoshop was one of the contenders for the best photo editing application for android and PC 2021.

2. Adobe Illustrator


    Adobe Illustrator is essential for any serious designer or artist's software collection. With it, you can create vector solutions for any challenge. What's more, by being curious and taking advantage of Illustrator's generous expansion capability, you can turn the application into a personalized digital dream world. With steady use and inquisitive inspection, the multitude of tools, menus, palettes, pull-down options, and features become second nature, and Illustrator feels like an unconscious extension of your mind. Adobe Illustrator is the clear PCMag Editors' Choice winner for vector graphics design. Ai was the close contender for the best photo editing application for android 2021 by editing but with the common uses would still prefer to the photoshop because of widely known application.

3. Luminar


    Luminar is billed as a full, professional photo workflow solution, but its best features are its slick interface, auto-correction tools, and impressive effect filters. This fourth version of the Windows application reflects the clean-and simple Apple design aesthetic, not surprising given that it was originally Mac-only software. But Luminar isn't the fastest performer for editing and organizing operations. The app also lacks some now-common library tools like face recognition and geotagging. Luminar has made strides since our initial review, though, adding catalog search, AI sky replacement, AI structure, AI skin enhancer, and portrait enhancer. Unique adjustment tools and filters and the fact that you can install them as a photoshop or lightroom plug-in make it a worthy addition to any photographer's software toolkit. Luminar is also the contender that we choose for the best photo editing application for android 2021 because the workflow and interface are good to consider with another competitor. 



And with this are conclusion for some best photo editing application for android and PC 2021 conducted by Editin21

Credit for Source: 

What is Photography - Introduction

    Photography is direct from Greek words "Photos"; means light, and "Grafo" means painting or writing. Can be described as a process of painting or writing with the use of light as the media. The principle of photography itself is to focus light with the help of refraction so that it can burn the light-catching medium. The medium in question, namely the lens, is said to measure the correct luminosity of light, which will produce an image identical to that of the light entering the refracting medium. 

To get and produce the right light intensity, a photographer can combine light intensity by changing such as:

- ISO-ASA (ISO Speed)

- Diaphragm (Aperture)

- Shutter Speed (Speed)

The combination of ISO, diaphragm & speed is commonly referred to as exposure.

The evolution of photography

Over the years, photography has changed rapidly and become more accessible. It has become less expensive, faster, and easier to capture and distribute photos. 

The Beginning

The original kodak camera.

Photo courtesy: National museum of American History

Photography was discovered early in the 19th century. It shocked whole the world and was embraced quickly. When it was invented, people tried to understand what its purpose should be and how a photograph should look. When it first launched, instead of being something only the upper-class can have, it has now been made available for the middle class too.

Modern Photojournalism

The Leica 1 model a

Photo courtesy: National museum of American History

The first 35mm the camera was invented is Leica and was born in Germany in 1925. At first, Leica or 35mm camera was small and could take a photo quickly. Then it became more versatile as it was improved. It had the ability to use a telephoto, zoom, and wide-angle lens.

The Polaroid


In the mid-1990s, the Polaroid was invented by Edwin H. Land. The special thing about Polaroid was the ability to take a photo and print it within a minute.

The Digital Camera

The first KODAK digital camera 

Photo courtesy: the new york times

The Digital Camera was created by Eastman Kodak in 1975. Soon after that, Canon, Nikon, Sony, Pentax, and any other manufacturers began working on digital cameras too, At the end of the 20th century, newspapers and magazines shifted to digital things. Then around this time, manufacturers began working on mirrorless cameras, which has become more popular among photographers.

Smartphone Camera

modern Smartphone camera

In this new era and becoming more digital in many things, smartphones have become popular for photos. With the advances in technology, phone cameras have been able to capture incredible images. It makes people more use this digital camera on smartphones than a separate camera.

Photography Terms


is the opening of the lens diaphragm that allows light to enter. Aperture serves to adjust the amount of light that enters, distinguished by the "f/stops" sign.

Example: f/1.4, f/8, f/16


a small hole that is used when we want to see the object to be photographed.


how when the camera sees something close, it will focus and fixate on the object. And when the camera sees a distant object it will become blurry.

Focal Length

describes the distance between the lens and the sensor or the resulting image in the film. This distance is measured in millimeters (mm).

Shutter Speed

is the part of the camera that can affect the entry of light.


is an abbreviation of the International Organization of Standardization which determines the sensitivity standard of camera sensors to light.


describes how light or dark a photo is.

White Balance

determines how accurate the color of the photo is with the object being photographed.



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