In the era of digital business, every company or agency, especially creative companies, definitely needs a good promotion to introduce products or services to be better known by many people.

The key to the success of branding companies in the application of the right digital marketing strategy, for example by making video marketing or video branding. Besides being able to save on promotional costs, videos shared through various social media platforms can reach more customers, both local and international.

Promotional videos should contain advantages and information about the products of your company. Even though it looks simple, you can't just do the shooting process and use advanced equipment in making videos. You also need to pay attention to the important elements that must be in it, so that the resulting video is memorable and won the hearts of customers.

8 Important Elements of Making a Great Video for Promotion

Below are 8 important elements in making a great video for promotion.

1. Clear Images and Text 

    In making videos for promotional purposes or for branding companies, you must record moving images and add text to support the advantages of the products offered. It should also be noted that the text is only used as a supporting element in the video, not a must, especially to include too much text which ultimately interferes with the aesthetics of the video.

2. Proportional Component

    A good video is not only clear but well proportioned. Visual images, sound, music, and text must be added with the right composition, so as to make the audience more interested in continuing to watch. The use of text colors must also be appropriate and unobtrusive. In essence, all aspects of the video are really well organized so as not to disturb the comfort of the audience while watching your video. Don't get busy arranging video aesthetics, then forget the intrinsic elements, and the message conveyed by your product is forgotten.

3. The right content for video

    In promotional videos, don't show rambling content just for the sake of prolonging the duration. Keep in mind, most people will decide within the first 5-8 minutes whether to continue watching your video or not. As the owner of the idea for video marketing, you must first conceptualize the content of the video before entering the video creation process. Make content according to the needs of the product being promoted, including what you want to achieve from this video. Make sure the video content has short, clear, and precise content.


4. Add Message

    Doing business is not only about how to sell as many products as possible, but it is also necessary to add useful messages in digital video production. Insert messages, whether in the form of words of wisdom, humor, or tutorials, so that many audiences are finally interested in buying products after they watch your video.


5. Making Interesting Opening Videos

    Branding videos are made to introduce the brand as well as its products or services to be known by the general public, so make a video by paying attention to all the important elements that should be in the video, especially the opening part in the first 10 seconds must be interesting. The opening can be a snippet of a scene or a conversation. It can also be in the form of narration in the form of a question that invites the audience to watch a video to find out the answer to the question.


6. Inserting Audio in Video

    Video marketing requires another important element beyond the visual display of moving images, namely audio. The addition of clear and pleasant audio to enjoy will increase the audience's enjoyment of watching videos. So choose the audio that matches the visual impression as well as the product and the content of the video. One more thing, if the video is broadcast on social media, make sure the song or music that is displayed does not violate copyright.


7. Storytelling

    Video content must be delivered in a storytelling style to produce a good promotional video and contain inspirational messages that can bring the audience into the story. It's even better if the story can leave a deep impression so that it is well remembered by the audience. They will automatically remember your product and brand. Creating a video accompanied by storytelling will make the audience not like watching a marketing video or just a video containing sales, but as if watching an entertaining movie. Again, make sure your video has value.



8. Adding Motion Graphics

    Promotional videos also need to be equipped with motion graphics to make them look more interesting and unique. Graphic elements can be combined into one with a variety of video creation applications that are already widely available, it can even be in 2D or 3D. By adding motion graphics, videos don't seem monotonous and look very dynamic. A good promotional video can add several graphic elements into a single unit that is used to grab the attention of a large audience.

And with that the 8 elements of video advertising that you can try to apply for your next advertising video. see you in the next guide


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