Who does not know content creators in 2021? with the easy access of the internet to all generations adopted in society, many people may look at content creators as a new job opportunity since entertainment becomes daily consumption to the public that can be accessed by their smartphone at any time. Business opportunities always come when certain people can see through a subject with a creative and uncommon angle. 

These are some of the great business opportunities for content creators in 2021 

Food Photography

            For the past 2 years, we face a major problem with covid-19 we force ourselves to go online with most of our activities including dining. since most of the restaurants were closed due to health protocol some of them are only open for takeaways orders, those problems raise opportunities for advertising food with the help of photography. With a large amount of dining, activities move to takeaways company like uber take advantage of the delivery system for the food that can be ordered by customers to their front door. vendors also move to the online shop to take advantage of this situation to sell their products to their respectable customers through online shopping. those online shops need compelling photos for their food product and business opportunities raised for those who are majoring or specialized in photography. 

Tourism Photography

            Same as most business that relies on social interaction tourism is one of the most impacted areas that are being held back by the pandemic. a lot of tourism is starting to move their focus to the online tour for those who seek the experience of visiting a place while still in their home. tourism also can provide good stock photos for other photographers or editors who are seeking good scenery for their background. that businesses that are stopped can be revived with a new take for the business using opportunities of the online market. 

Wedding Photography

            A wedding that is held in the pandemic is has a lot of demand for photographers especially with limited people that can attend the ceremony a good documentary is being asked from the event. the trend of making documentaries of the wedding is mostly available to for business opportunities in the wedding event, with most of the young people that married they have modern take to the documentation for their wedding so most of videographer and photographer would have a good opportunity to get in this area. 

Product Photography

            Online markets need compelling documentation of a product to make buyers consider buying it. knowledge on modern online marketing is making content creation to be a must when marketing a product one of them is video and photography. A good impression when finding a product can make a considerable chance for the product will be bought by the buyer itself.   

Journalism Photography

            Journalism is one of the oldest sections of photography and videography business opportunities since news is a daily consumption for most customers worldwide with this and easy access of news that can be looked through smartphone social media become one of the media that used for spreading news and with that taking picture or video of important information can be processed for the journalism itself and have a good business with he corresponding news station or print media for their official news. 


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